Dr Jan-Philipp Günther-Burmeister


European lawyer (University of Würzburg)

Business mediator (MuCDR)

Dr Jan-Philipp Günther-Burmeister was admitted to the bar in 2015 and has been a partner in our firm since 2024. His clients include national and international companies, which Dr Günther-Burmeister advises on all aspects of IT and data protection law. He also specializes in AI, commercial and corporate law.

As part of his work, he always looks at the business interests of his clients and offers them solutions that are tailor-made and practicable. In addition to his work as a lawyer, Dr Günther-Burmeister regularly publishes specialist articles and gives lectures in Germany and abroad.

  • Studied law and European law at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (including a semester abroad at the Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary), 2005 – 2010
  • Research assistant at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Legal Theory, Information Law and Legal Informatics (Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf), with research focus on the intersection of technology and law as well as teaching, 2010 - 2014
  • Research assistant at Latham & Watkins, Frankfurt, in the area of data protection and antitrust law, 2012
  • Legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Bamberg with elective station in Tokyo as a Robert Bosch Stiftung scholarship holder in the Japan program for trainee lawyers, 2012 – 2014
  • Admitted to the bar in 2015
  • Lawyer at Baker McKenzie, Munich, in the field of IT and data protection law, 2015 – 2018
  • Doctorate (doctor iuris) at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, title: "Robots and legal responsibility - An investigation of user and manufacturer liability", 2016
  • In-house lawyer at Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, in the Digital Law department, 2018 – 2020
  • Lawyer at Ernst & Young Law GmbH, Hanover, in the Digital Law department, 2020 – 2024
  • Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Automated Systems (RifaS)
  • Günther-Burmeister, Jan-Philipp, "§ 13 Künstliche Intelligenz und Datenschutz", in: Katko, Peter (ed.), Checklists for the General Data Protection Regulation, Munich, 2nd ed. 2023
  • Günther-Burmeister, Jan-Philipp, "VG Wiesbaden vs. Hessischer VGH - No conclusive answer to the question of whether the use of a service provider headquartered in the USA can constitute an inadmissible third country transfer", Privacy in Germany 2022, p. 79 - 81
  • Günther-Burmeister, Jan-Philipp, "European draft regulations on the regulation of artificial intelligence", DER BETRIEB 2021, p. 1858 - 1862
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp, judgment review, "Touchscreen in the vehicle as an electronic device within the meaning of Section 23 (1a) sentences 1 and 2 StVO; operation of the touchscreen while driving, OLG Karlsruhe, decision of 27.3.2020 - 1 Rb 36 Ss 832/19", Blätter Straßenverkehrsrecht (SVR) 2021, p. 38 - 40
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp, "ECJ ruling Schrems II - A swan song for international data traffic?", Privacy in Germany 2020, p. 192 - 197
  • Kaufmann, Julia / Günther, Jan-Philipp, "Data Protection Officers Must Not Have a Conflict of Interest - Part 2", Global Compliance News, January 2018
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp, "European regulations in the field of robotics - all still science fiction?", DER BETRIEB 2017, p. 651 - 654
  • Kaufmann, Julia / Günther, Jan-Philipp, "Privacy Groups challenge EU-U.S. Privacy Shield", Global Compliance News, January 2017
  • Kaufmann, Julia / Günther, Jan-Philipp, "Data Protection Officers Must Not Have a Conflict of Interest", Global Compliance News, November 2016
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp, "Quantensprung durch Roboter im Gesundheitsbereich - Bericht zum Panel an der Tagung Roboterrecht vom 28. und 29. Oktober 2016 des FAA-HSG", Aktuelle Juristische Praxis / Pratique Juridique Actuelle 2017, S. 265 - 266
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Lutz, Lennart, "Rechtliche und technische Aspekte autonom agierender Systeme, Automatisiertes Fahren - Drohnen - Serviceroboter", in: Baumgärtel, Matthias / Scholz, Matthias (eds.), DGRI Jahrbuch 2015, Cologne 2016
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp, "Robotics and legal responsibility - an examination of user and manufacturer liability", Munich 2016
  • Lee, Laureen / Günther, Jan-Philipp, "The impact of the European General Data Protection Regulation on employee data protection", PERSONALFÜHRUNG, June 2016
  • Wendler, Julia / Günther, Jan-Philipp, "European Court of Justice: Scope of application of national data protection law in Europe", Privacy in Germany 2016, p. 115 - 116
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Lee, Laureen, "Safe Harbor: A ruling and the consequences for employee data protection", PERSONALFÜHRUNG, April 2016
  • Kaufmann, Julia / Günther, Jan-Philipp, "German Federal Court of Justice establishes verification duty for online review portals", Global Compliance News, March 2016
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp: "Embodied robots - time for a legal reassessment?", in: Gruber, Malte / Bung, Jochen / Ziemann, Sasha (eds.), Autonome Automaten, Berlin 2014
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Veigt, Marius / Dittmer, Patrick: "Rechtliche Aspekte beim Einsatz von Intelligenten Containern", in: Hilgendorf, Eric (ed.), Robotik im Kontext von Recht und Moral, Baden-Baden 2014
  • Hilgendorf, Eric / Günther, Jan-Philipp (eds.), "Robotics and Legislation", Baden-Baden 2013
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp, judgment review, "No liability of the cab driver when a two and a half year old child opens a cab door and collides with a streetcar, LG Würzburg, judgment of 04.12.2012 - 11 O 1744/12", Blätter Straßenverkehrsrecht (SVR) 2013, p. 185 - 186
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Münch, Florian / Beck, Susanne / Löffler, Severin / Leroux,Christophe / Labruto Roberto: "Issues of Privacy and Electronic Personhood in Robotics", Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, pp. 815 - 820
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Münch, Florian: "Legal Issues of Making a Robot 'Readable'" , Workshop: How to Make a Robot "Readable" for a Human InteractionPartner, 21st IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human InteractiveCommunication, 2012
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / May, Elisa / Münch, Florian / Löffler, Severin / Beck, Susanne / Hilgendorf, Eric: "Labor Law" and "Exploration track: non-human agents and electronic personhood", in: Leroux, Christophe / Labruto, Roberto (eds.) Suggestion for a green paper on legal issues in robotics, euRobotics, The European Robotics Coordination Action, 2012
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Eck, Daniel: "German Civil Liability for Users and Manufactures of Robotic Transportation Systems", in: Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, p. 60 - 65
  • Günther, Jan-Philipp / Eck, Daniel: "Deliktische Haftung bei Assistenzsystemen zur Unterstützung der Mobilität durch Ambient Assisted Living", in: Brukamp, Kirsten / Laryionava, Katsiaryna / Schweikardt, Christoph / Groß, Dominik (eds.) "Technisierte Medizin- Dehumanisierte Medizin? Ethical, legal and social aspects of new medical technologies", Kassel 2011
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